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Rationale and Legal Context One of the most important factors in predicting a childs future academic attainment is prior attainment. The next most important factor is poverty. Material deprivation can influence educational outcomes by reducing the educational resources that families can provide and by adversely affecting the home environment. Deprivation is also commonly associated with other factors which can influence childrens outcomes: ill-health, family stress low levels of parental education and parental involvement in their childrens education; and low aspirations. As a result, there is a wide gap between the attainment of pupils from deprived backgrounds and others at all educational stages. The additional funding provided through the Pupil Premium was introduced by the government in April 2011 in order to help schools close this gap. Entitlement to free school meals (FSM) is used as a proxy for deprivation. A fixed amount, which generally rises year-on-year, is allocated to schools for each pupil registered for FSM at any point in the last six years (known as Ever 6 FSM). Schools also receive funding for children who have been looked after by an English or Welsh local authority immediately before being adopted, or who left local authority care on a special guardianship order or child arrangements order, and children of service personnel. The Department for Education holds schools accountable for expenditure of Pupil Premium funding via the following means: Performance tables show the performance of disadvantaged pupils compared with their peers The Ofsted inspection framework includes a requirement for inspectors to focus on the attainment of pupil groups, including those who attract the Pupil Premium. The School Information (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012, (Section 9) requires school to publish the amount of the schools allocation form the Pupil Premium grant in respect of the current academic year; details of how it is intended that the allocation will be spent; details of how the previous years allocation was spent and the effect of this expenditure on the educational attainment of those pupils at the school in respect of whom grant funding was allocated. Aims The purpose of this policy is to outline how we will ensure that Pupil Premium allocated to Fellside Community Primary School impacts positively on narrowing attainment gaps which can exist between disadvantaged pupils and their peers. Key Principles We will ensure that Pupil Premium finding allocated to our school is used solely for its intended purpose: to improve the attainment of the pupils for which it is intended. In so doing, we will be guided by the following key principles: Expectations are high for all pupils. We do not equate deprivation and challenge with low ability. Not all pupils who qualify for Pupil Premium (including FSM) are socially disadvantaged and not all socially disadvantaged pupils qualify or are registered for FSM. We therefore focus on meeting the progress needs of all pupils. In providing support, we will not isolate pupils. Therefore it is likely that all groups receiving additional support will be a mix of Pupil Premium and non- Pupil Premium pupils. Pupils who attract a Pupil Premium are not a homogenous group and their needs are specific and wide-ranging. As such, the strategies we use to raise attainment (including the use of time-limited interventions) take this fully into account. Roles and Responsibilities All staff, governors and other stakeholders at Fellside remain fully committed to the raising of standards and narrowing of attainment gaps for our pupils. Head Teacher and Senior Leadership Team will Assume responsibility for the implementation of this policy Ensure relevant staff are informed about children in respective classes who attract a Pupil Premium Ensure that a report is written annually for both governors, and for publication on the school website, detailing an evaluation of expenditure of the funding both retrospective (from the last academic year) and planned (for the current school year) Provide staff with pertinent opportunities to engage in CPD opportunities to support them in implementing strategies to accelerate pupil progress and narrow attainment gaps Analyse the progress of individual children in receipt of a Pupil Premium (along with other groups of pupils) in termly Pupil Progress Reviews, and take steps to improve outcomes where necessary Teaching and Support Staff will Maintain the highest expectations of all pupils and not equate disadvantage of circumstances with low ability Promote an inclusive, collaborative ethos in classrooms which enable pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds to thrive. Plan and deliver curricula and lessons to a high standard and support the acceleration of progress in learning, so that gaps can be narrowed and improvements maintained. Support disadvantaged groups of pupils in their class through differentiated planning and teaching, especially for those who find aspects of learning difficult and are in danger of falling behind. Keep up to date with teaching strategies and research, which have a proven track record in narrowing gaps in attainment and achievement Governing Body will Ensure Fellside complies with legislation linked to Pupil Premium funding Links to other Policies Charging and Remissions Policy Equality Policy Monitoring and Review of this Policy This policy will be reviewed on an annual basis by the Head Teacher and Governing Body in order to ensure it remains consistent with DfE obligations. In addition, our expenditure of Pupil Premium funding will continue to be analysed annually, and reported to stakeholders via the school website. Documentation Referred to in Developing this Policy: Department for Education and Education Funding Agency Pupil Premium 2016 to 2017: Conditions of Grant (updated 26th August 2016).  HYPERLINK "http://www.gov.uk/government/publications/pupil-premium-conditions-of-grant-2016-to-2017/pupil-premium-2016-to-2017-conditions-of-grant" www.gov.uk/government/publications/pupil-premium-conditions-of-grant-2016-to-2017/pupil-premium-2016-to-2017-conditions-of-grant Fellside Community Primary School We provide an inspiring, caring environment in which we are all challenged and supported to maximise our potential >BQ\^_`cdfgijlmnvwxбweVG5V#hhthYM>*CJ OJQJ^JaJ hYM>*CJ OJQJ^JaJ hMG>*CJ OJQJ^JaJ #hf#hMG>*CJ,OJQJ^JaJ,#hhthht>*CJ OJQJ^JaJ 1jhC>*CJ OJQJU^JaJ mHnHuhht>*CJ OJQJ^JaJ hhthhtCJOJQJ^JaJjhCUmHnHu#hhthMG>*CJ OJQJ^JaJ hChC5OJQJnH tH h! 5OJQJnH tH %uxkd$$Ifl  t 6`E0644 lap yt5$E&`#$/IfgdC%&Cu$E&`#$/Ifgd! xkd$$Ifl  t 6`E0644 lap yt5CD]u$E&`#$/Ifgd! xkd*$$Ifl  t 6`E0644 lap yt5]^_abcdefhijklmz$a$gdht$a$xkd$$Ifl  t 6`E0644 lap yt5mnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ $a$x  ! 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