
The Importance of Regular Attendance at Fellside

We would like to remind all of our parents how important it is for your children to attend school regularly and avoid any unnecessary absence in order for them to reach their full potential.

During the mornings all children across the school focus on numeracy and literacy and this is an essential part of their learning. Arriving at school even a few minutes late means they will have missed some vital instructions at the start of a lesson and may subsequently find it difficult to catch up.  Please make an effort to ensure your child arrives promptly.  

What to do if your child is ill

If your child is unavoidably ill please remember to telephone school to report the absence before 9.30am. You can telephone the school on 0191 4887486. It is important that we know your child is absent so we can ensure their safety on site at school as well as supporting you, should you have any problems. If you do not report the absence then we have to record it as unauthorised absence with no reason given. Should this continue, we may have to report it to our Education Welfare Officer at Gateshead Council.

Ongoing issues/medical problems

If your child has an ongoing issue or medical problem, it may be necessary for us to complete a care plan with you. Please see Miss Knox initially to discuss this. 

Some Statistics to Contemplate about Attendance at School:

  • 98% attendance = 4 days absent from school
  • 95% attendance = 9 days absent from school
  • 90% attendance = 4 weeks absent from school
  • 85% attendance = 5 ½ weeks absent from school
  • 80% attendance = 7 ½ weeks absent from school (more than one half term)

Further Information

Attendance Policy
Guidance on Infection Control in Schools and Other Childcare Settings