Gateshead Council Primary School Admission Policy 2026
Nursery Admissions: September 2025 Entry
As an integral part of our school, we are particularly proud of our wibderful Nursery provision at Fellside.
We aim to provide a stimulating and supportive environment in which your child can thrive, while beginning to make sense of the world around them, develop a natural curiosity and a thirst for learning as well as taking steps towards establishing skills in early reading, writing and counting. Importantly, we also aim to provide an environment to foster the social and emotional skills your child will need to continue to develop in readiness for when they progress into their Reception Year and begin their more formal education in Year 1. Overwhelmingly, of course, we want your child to have fun and develop their sense of self and their learning through play.
Our Nursery currently caters for 52 children (part-time, 26 children full-time equivalent) aged between 3 and 4 years old. It is staffed by the Nursery teacher; Mrs Smith, supported by teaching assistant, Miss Bullock.
We offer the following patterns of provision:
• Full days: Monday to Friday 8.30am-3.30pm*
• 2.5 days: Monday, Tuesday 8.30am-3.30pm and Wednesday morning 8.30am-11.30am
• 2.5 days: Wednesday afternoon 12.30pm-3.30pm and Thursday, Friday 8.30am-3.30pm
*Full time provision is offered subject to eligibility based on the government’s 30 hours free early education/childcare initiative for working parents. To check your eligibility, go to the Childcare Choices website:
Parents interested in applying for a place for admission to our Nursery from September 2025 are warmly invited to visit Fellside. We encourage you to bring your child so they too can see all we have to offer.
To find out more about applying to our Nursery, please call the school office on 0191 4887486 or contact our Administration Manager, Julia Knox:
Parents are invited to download and complete our application form (see downloads under ‘further information” below) for entry to Fellside Nursery from September 2025.