Uniform in Nursery is entirely optional although most parents do find it more convenient, and therefore it is worn by most children.
Royal blue sweatshirt with Fellside logo
White polo top with or without Fellside logo
Reception to Year 6 Inclusive
Grey school trousers
Royal blue kilt (supplied by Tots to Teams)
White school shirt
Royal blue cardigan with Fellside logo (Supplied by Tots to Teams)
Royal blue v neck sweater with Fellside logo (Supplied by Tots to Teams)
Grey socks or tights
School tie (Supplied by Tots to Teams)
Flat black school shoes (no ‘ballet’ style shoes, please)
Summer Term Only (April to July)
Blue gingham dress/white socks
Grey school shorts
PE Uniform (to be worn on PE days)
Black shorts, joggers or sports leggings
White crew neck T Shirt with Fellside logo (supplied by Tots to Teams)
Fellside Hoodie (supplied by Tots to Teams)
Black plimsolls to be held in school for indoor PE
In addition, children would benefit from a branded Fellside book bag. This can also be obtained from Tots to Teams.
General Presentation
- Hair longer than shoulder length should be tied back.
- Jewellery is not allowed in school, except for watches, which have to be removed for PE, games and swimming etc., so please ensure they are not valuable.
- If parents want to have their children’s ears pierced, this should be done at the beginning of the Summer holiday, so that by the time the Autumn term starts, studs may be removed. Any child who has not followed this advice will not be able to do PE of any sort, and will be asked to remove any ear-rings during the school day. If a child cannot remove his/her own earrings they will be asked to put a plaster over them, to avoid any potential accidents in the playground.
If families need support with the cost of uniform, we would invite them to speak with us where support can be given.