
Mrs Storey's Welcome

Welcome to Reception class homepage. It is such an exciting year as the children are beginning their school journey and we could not be happier officially welcoming them into our school. 

 Our classroom environment has been recently updated to include some wonderful new resources and furniture. The year will be full of adventure, exploration and curiosity and we cannot wait to share our learning with you at home. Communication between home and school is key, so please check Evidence Me to keep up to date with our daily activities, achievements and news. We aim to help your child develop their knowledge and understanding in a variety of fun and practical ways but also encourage our children to lead their learning by planning additional activities that follow their interests. 

 At Fellside, we are extremely lucky to have enormous and beautiful grounds available to us. We will spend most days outside exploring our EYFS outdoor space, Forest School or running around our school field participating in the 'Daily Mile!' 

 We hope our class page gives you a flavour of life in Reception Class at Fellside. 

Autumn One - Curriculum Overview
Autumn Two - Curriculum Oveview
Spring One Curriculum Overview